#whoami - KnowledgeZero is an initiative of The Science Club, a club of people who love critical thinking and is currently trying to adopt a scientific approach to life and cybersecurity. We are also trying to make a living out of it, but people really enjoy pizzas, not research centers on cybersecurity like V-Research.

#whyami - “There is no royal road to science” nor to geometry. Science requires understanding but it is ultimately driven by ideas which only work when the bag of answers is as full as the bag of questions. This is, however, not supported by the practical men (predominant species between the “highly intelligent primates”) who don’t have time to invest on questions but blindly believe that the most important aspect of a solution is “sooner”.

#whatami - In cybersecurity everyone is focusing on the next attack, on the next vulnerability, rather than investing time in understanding it as a science. We go the other way, searching for universal answers and not useless incremental steps or yet another vulnerability. You may believe that science is already driving cybersecurity but it is not the case. So, KnowledgeZero is a place where we publish our efforts, writing gentle introductions to our ideas but also sharing the hard-core scientific papers.

#whenami – We are now working on cybersecurity but we are a diverse group with interests in logic, mereo-topology, ai, philosophy of science, coding, teaching, engineering, and multi-agent-systems. We like going deeper and deeper into our ideas and so it’ll take time to properly present you all our works.